#rtyrwarriors #Uhuru #gold #silver the world's terrorists are the united states look what we did to iraq look what we did to libya libya the most successful country in all of africa the guy created the eighth wonder of the world with the way how he delivered water and throw it turn deserts into farmland and everybody had a house and everybody had education and health care and we turned it into a failed state run bike by terror
tourists with open slave markets who did that barack obama and hillary clinton did that and they'll never have to pay a price that barack obama the most still do is met with a mistake but why did they get rid of qaddafi because he was going to start a a currency of africa that was going to compete with the us dollar and the euro and they can't have that because the way the united
states controls the world is because the united states dollar is the reserve currency of the world so that's why they can put sanctions on all these countries and so what they're doing which they shouldn't do they're weaponizing the us dollar and so so like when countries want to trade with each other they have to go take their currency change it into us dollars so they can trade and it was all a lot of it was based on the petro
dollar which by the way saudi arabia just quit they then renew it i don't know if you heard about that did so and all of a sudden cbs news is starting to do new stories about how saudi arabia was involved in nine eleven all of a sudden twenty four years later all of a sudden oh you know what turns out to some heavily rooted and there's like you made two weeks after they decided to not renew
the petrodollar now cbs news is allowed to talk about that and investigated which when i talked about goddamn monetized but anyway that's why because qaddafi was doing that he was going to set up a currency for all of africa and it was gonna be a base on and have a gold standard and so they're like no you're not
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