Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

The governor of Virginia is worse or equal to trump's racism! Restoring it back to the days of Thomas Jefferson? When we were all equal? You mean, the Thomas Jefferson, who had over 600 slaves? The same Thomas Jefferson who repeatedly raped one of his slaves girls, a sixteen year old Sally Hemmings? The, Thomas Jefferson, who fathered six of her children, that Thomas Jefferson? This is how we Make America Great Again? laura first of all i just have to say it one more time d i is done at the university of virginia and today a group of very very brave and and well minded trustees voted unanimously to dissolve the office of d i at the university of virginia and this is a huge step to restoring the values of mister jefferson who founded the university who understood that we are all created equal and that's exactly what this is about ending illegal discrimination and restoring merit-based opportunity share believe inspire blacks be
Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

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