Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

On the move #Uhuru #rtyrwarriors once again burkina faso is president ibrahim trail ray has sent corrupt african leaders into a state of panic and confusion especially in light of us president donald trump's decision to cut aid to africa for decades these corrupt leaders have exploited foreign aid diverting funds meant for development into their personal coffers the easy money that once lined their pockets is drying up and they are being forced to confront a reality they never prepared for self-sufficiency now how exactly has ibrahim trial re shock these corrupt elites the answer is simple through decisive action while other african leaders make empty promises and stage elaborate ceremonies for projects that never materialize trial rays delivering real results a recent viral video on social media captures the arrival of massive road construction and farming equipment worth millions of dollars in burkina faso the most shocking part this footage wasn't released by government officials or the president himself it was recorded by a traveler who witnessed the equipment entering the country through garner this is a leader whose work speaks for itself without the need for publicity stunts or self-congratulatory speeches burkina faso is now taking full control of it's infrastructure development the government has committed to constr ducting major roads and highways to connect the country's largest cities this is why the new equipment has arrived it is a direct investment in the nation's future not another empty promise but trial ray's vision doesn't stop at burkina faso s borders as part of the newly formed alliance of sahil states a yes which includes mali and niger after their departure from ecos plans are already underway for one thousand and forty six kilometre interstate highway this major project will connect naomi terror dory kaia ouagadougou bobo di lasso or a dara saxo bugatti and bamako creating a strategic trade and transport route that will strengthen regional cooperation what sets this apart from typical african infrastructure projects is the source of funding burkina faso is financing these developments with it's own money without relying on foreign loans that come with strings attached the same people who contributed one seventy five five billion cfd francs in two thousand and twenty four to support the war effort without even factoring in the defense budget are now investing in infrastructure and with the country's new gold refinery providing additional revenue there is no doubt that burkina faso has the means to sustain its progress to ensure these projects are executed if efficiently the government has created a specialized agency to oversee them trial re understands that strong roads and transportation systems are essential for economic growth and this new infrastructure will be a game changer for burkina faso and the yes alliance this is why corrupt african leaders are in disarray for years they have built their power on lies dependency and stolen wealth now troll ray is proving that true leadership means building a nation from within using its own resources and putting the people first his actions are exposing the failures of the old system leaving those who thrived on corruption terrified the message is clear a new era of african leadership has begun one that rejects exploitation embraces self-reliance and demands accountability and for those who have spent decades profiting from the suffering of their people there is no escaping the reckoning that is coming you see when captain ibrahim trial re boldly declared we have been receiving aid for sixty three years yet our country has not developed cutting it off from us now will not kill us rather it will motivate us to work and reform ourselves many dismissed his words as mere rhetoric but now with us president donald trump's decision to halt aid to african countries his statement has become a reality that exposes the deep rooted flaws of african governance if you paid close attention after trump's announcement you would have noticed the outrage across africa social media was flooded with complaints with many calling the decision on fair and disastrous africans were furious not at their corrupt leader others who have mismanaged resources for decades but at trump as if foreign aid was a birthright rather than a privilege as i said for decades african governments have blamed colonialism the global economy and even climate change for their failures they claimed the world is against them yet when aid arrives it vanished his stolen misused or wasted on unnecessary luxuries when questioned these leaders react with hostility rather than accountability look at south africa where public funds mysteriously disappear into politicians' pockets in nigeria billions meant for infrastructure and public service his eluted kenya drowns in debt while officials live extravagantly across the continent leaders cry about being victims yet they refuse to take responsibility for their nation's decline none of this is trump's fault none of this is the west fault this is the result of corrupt african leadership failing it's the people what's truly shocking is the sense of entitlement among african leaders they expect endless financial assistance but reject any form of scrutiny but here's the reality respect is earned not demanded no nation has an obligation to fund corrupt governments that treat their citizens with neglect aid is meant to uplift people not to finance extravagant lifestyles for politicians if african governments were serious about development they would prioritize self-reliance and economic transformation instead of endlessly begging for handouts americans have every right to stop sending billions to leaders who steal from their own own people trump's decision should not be a wakeup call for america but for africa itself the problem is not the lack of foreign aid the problem is bad leadership misplaced priorities and a culture of impunity instead of complaining about trump africans should be demanding better governance when governments panic at the mere suggestion of financial audits it's clear there is something to hide until leadership changes no amount of aid will make a difference the real enemy of africa is not trump it's the leaders who refuse to do the right thing african leaders should take notes from ibrahim treachery a leader whose actions speak louder than words his recent visit to garner for the inauguration of president john mahama proved just how much africans admire genuine leadership at the event twenty one african heads of state were present including the chairpersons of echoes and the african union yet when their names were called the ot audience remained silent however when captain ibrahim troll ray's name was announced the stadium erupted in cheers and applause the excitement was so overwhelming that it overshadowed even president bahamas moment a massive crowd followed trial ray to his vehicle chanting his name with admiration why do millions of ghanaians and africans across the continent respect him because he stays in his country working tirelessly to solve real problems instead of globe-trotting in search of aid unlike other african leaders who fly in private jets begging for loans trail ray is cutting down on government waste and prioritizing local development his administration is focused on industrialization economic self-sufficiency and wealth creation under his leadership burkina faso has established a pharmaceutical production plant tomato processing factories a cashew nut factory a waste treatment plant and even a nuclear power facility job creation he is investing in industrial complexes to process shea butter refined edible oil and other essential goods putting millions of unemployed youth back to work government accountability no public official is allowed to ride expensive cars fly first class or waste public funds on unnecessary foreign trips even trial ray himself drives a secondhand pickup truck redirecting state funds toward meaningful development nationalizing resources he is ensuring burkina faso reclaims control of it's mineral wealth preventing exploitation by foreign corporations massive infrastructure investments he is injecting millions into key sectors including agriculture health education energy food security tourism and security laying the foundation for sustainable economic growth salary reforms for justice and equity he has cut the salaries of ministers managing directors and perform and top officials by thirty percent while increasing civil servants' wages by fifty percent troll rays leadership proves that africa does not need endless foreign aid to prosper it needs bold fearless leaders committed to the people's welfare burkina faso is financing its own own development while many other african nations remain dependent on handouts the choice is clear african leaders can either continue the cycle of corruption and dependency or they can follow trail race example and build a self-reliant future if trump's decision to cut aid has thrown corrupt african governments into panic and it only proves one thing they never planned to build their nations without it it's time for africa to wake up real development starts from within let me say again ibrahim trial ray is proving that africa does not need endless foreign aid to succeed what it needs is strong fearless leadership that prioritizes reliance over dependency share believe inspire blacks be

Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

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