Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

#Uhuru #rtyrwarriors I mean imagine you go all around the world and smash up everything that other civilizations built look what they built pillage steel even steal their ideas in their concepts and their philosophies and then you sit on top of this mountain of stolen goods and declare yourself to be rich because of your own merits and and telling this lie to your children your own children your grandchildren generation after generation how do you think that's going to go you didn't invest in creating actual merit you cheated you lied you stole you brutalized and then you tell your own people that everyone else in the world has nothing and you have everything because of how much better you are than everyone else how long is that lie sustainable i mean these are people who actually have civilizations who actually created and built and accomplished and didn't just pillage and plunder and there's still those people today even though you have a breast and there's still those same people and you're still the way you are i mean ah a good example actually is african-americans i don't know if you can think of a people who were more held back more deprived more sabotage than african-americans you took everything away from them and took them away from everything they started in your country at less than zero literally regarded and treated as subhuman not allowed to learn to read or write or anything for hundreds of years but you see they come from a people of accomplishment to one degree or another not of people of piracy and theft and appropriation they come from the people who created and built and developed in their own countries in their own land and even though you did everything that you could possibly do to suppress them to hold them down to hold them back and you're still doing that until today nevertheless i don't think anyone can dispute the fact that african-americans have become a global cultural superpower and people like this with a history like this with a legacy like this surely cannot be held back for any length of time by people who do not have a similar history people who have have never actually invested in their own civilizational development and that's the worst share believe inspire blacks be
Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

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