Kamau Austin

Kamau Austin @KamauAustin  

Get The Scoop On The Empowering and UPLifting Community Events for March and Early Spring, The home going services for Ancestors Angie Stone, and NAACP legend Hazel Dukes, Women's History & Empowerment Month activities in Southeast Queens NY, Immigrant Rights, and other Essential Announcements on the Southeast Queens Scoop: https://www.southeastqueensscoop.com/p/events.html Southeast Queens Scoop - Get the Scoop on events, news, and economic development in Jamaica, Southeast Queens.

Get The Scoop On The Empowering and UPLifting Community Events for March and Early Spring, The home going services for Ancestors Angie Stone, and NAACP legend Hazel Dukes, Women's History & Empowerment Month activities in Southeast Queens NY, Immigrant Rights, and other Essential Announcements on the Southeast Queens Scoop: https://www.southeastqueensscoop.com/p/events.html
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Kamau Austin

Kamau Austin @KamauAustin  

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Are you an immigrant or know one that is feeling very unsure about their rights and future? Listen into a very important webinar today that will tell you about your rights and resources here in the US despite the ICE raids.

The webinar is today at 6:30 pm. Please check it out and share.

I love my brothas and sistahs all over the world and in the US. I want you to feel safe by knowing your rights and options. Please learn about your rights here in the US. Get the Scoop on your rights at: https://www.southeastqueensscoop.com/2025/03/know-you-immigrant-rights-webinar.html
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Get The Scoop On Black History Trailblazer Shellice Beharie. She was the 1st Blind Black Woman Children's Book Author. Checkout how she OVERcomes her challenges, personal tragedies, and expounds upon the unbreakable family ties between a mother and her son. Contact me to Learn about how your organization can book her for book readings. Visit: https://www.southeastqueensscoop.com/2024/12/get-scoop-on-how-1st-blind-black-woman.html
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Dr. Alexis Donald, is the 1st medical doctor in her family. She likewise wants to inspire other young people towards aspiring and becoming a medical doctor in her new book: "Mommy I Want to be a Doctor."

This is a great Black History month gift for a promising young person interested in the medical field with the potential to become a physician. Get the scoop on this inspiring book at: https://www.blacknewsscoop.com/2024/11/black-woman-becomes-1st-medical-doctor.html
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