Blewussi Gaba

Blewussi Gaba @Blewussigaba  



  Basic Earning Information

Please take the time and read the About Us and the FAQ. Most of the questions you have now are already answered there. If the answers you seek are not in the About Us or the FAQ please contact me, Medgar Parks, and I will try my best to respond as soon as possible. If I do not respond to your questions it is most likely because the answers are already available below.

Key Points:

  • Withdrawals
    • There is no automatic transfer feature on Blaqsbi
    • You simply use your {?b} Bmunts to checkout gift cards, electronics, apparel, etc from our store
    • Once items are successfully checked out, the dollars worth of Bmunts will transferred  to your crypto wallet via your wallet address, your PayPal account via your PayPal email address or your bank account via your wire transfer details
    • Payout options are located under the Payout tab in the Account settings section
    • The minimum needed to check out "Blaqsbi offered" items from our store, is {?b}5,000 Bmunts
    • Some of the "Blaqsbi offered" items in our store require a Blaqard certification to checkout
  • Blaqard certification
    • To qualify for a Blaqard certification:
      • You must have a member with a Blaqard vouch for you AND have invited at least 25 members
      • You must upload a picture of yourself "holding" a visible "hand" written note containing the "validation code" you received in the text message, within ONE hour of the initial request
      • Your face must be visible in the picture
      • The picture you send cannot be digitally edited. (The code must be written with a pen, pencil or marker on a piece of actual paper and not digitally written using a mobile or tablet stylus)
      • You must be a black person
    • To request a Blaqard, go to the account settings and fill out the form
  • Why did I NOT receive my offer?
    • Some items in our store are offered by other members. We provide NO guarantee on delivery of items NOT offered by Blaqsbi. If there are any issues with delivery, please contact the business or member offering the item directly. We will NOT respond to any inquiry about transactions on items we DO NOT offer.
    • You can request a full refund by disputing the transaction. To dispute/request a refund for a transaction, please click on the button located on the receipt for the item. After the dispute/refund request has been successfully submitted, the party offering this item has 14 days to respond. If there is no response to the dispute/refund request, the transaction will be automatically refunded to your account.
  • More than one account on the platform
    • It is against BlaqsbiÒ€ℒs policies to have multiple accounts on the system. If you've lost your login information, you can request to have it sent to the email address we have on file for you. If you are caught having more than one account, your account(s) will  permanently lose all Blaqard privileges.. 

    • Why did I lose my Blaqard certification or lose qualification for one?
      • Blaqard certification is revoked or Blaqard qualification disabled when:
        • Any of the rules  in section 8 "Why is my account suspended?" of the FAQ are broken
        • You tried to exploit the system
        • You spam the platform
        • Your account has been inactive for at least 3(three) months

    Helpful Links:

    About Us FAQ
    Guide: Overview Guide: How to Earn

    NOTE: Blaqsbi is young with a very small team of dedicated individuals working hard to bring you the best experience possible. We will not always get it right at first. But we promise to continue the good fight. If you see an opportunity for us to do better please let us know by submitting an idea or suggestion post on where we should focus our efforts.

    Thank you for joining the family.


    Blewussi Gaba

    Blewussi Gaba @Blewussigaba  

    Follow Blewussi Gaba on Blaqsbi.

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