African/American Narratives and Genealogy

African/American Narratives and Genealogy


Throwback post. 2019-02-26 20:20:31.


What's in a name?!

Why is it IMPORTANT to know who you are?!

And did you know...

The tens of millions of Black Americans, or rather Indians, who ‘disappeared’ after 1492 did not all die in the ‘holocaust’ inflicted within America.

Hundreds of thousands were shipped to Europe and Africa as Indian slaves.

The American Colonization Society was an organization formed in 1816 with the purpose of transporting free African Americans, or rather Indian Slaves; classified as Negros back then, from the United States to settle on the west coast of Africa.

During the decades, the society operated and transported more than 12,000 people to Africa, and the African nation of Liberia was founded.

The term African-American, to refer to all black people was endorsed only since 1988, but was against the desires of the majority of black people.

In fact, the term was endorsed by only five people; including Rev. Jesse Jackson and Ramona Edelin leading the charge, as a result of a gathering called The African American Summit, without the input of the majority of black people.

Author Avis J. Smith went to the District court in Washington, D.C., to stand against this term, as well as against the notion that a small group of powerful individuals should be able to compel the masses into adopting it.

The systematic destruction of the Native Americans, or rather Native Indigenous Aborigine people, and their entire way of life was not only one of recorded history’s greatest tragedies, but, as with the slave trade, deeply spiritually wounding to all involved... All while benefitting those that caused the destruction 😡

Interesting information worth taking your time to learn!

André D. Henderson, Sr.

André D. Henderson, Sr. @Andre D Henderson Sr  

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