Excellence & Pride

Excellence & Pride


Throwback post. 2019-03-19 17:25:13.

Unapologetically Black

We have been getting some interesting emails from people who, we believe to be white, forcefully voicing how insulted and left out they feel because Blaqsbi is dedicated to black people. Some have even threaten to report us to authorities as a hate site because we refuse to approve their Blaqard membership. It is amazing that with the plethora of options these people have they can't just let us have our own.

For hundreds of years after we became free men and women, we were subjected to the most racist system that kept us from simply eating at white restaurants and joining white establishments. Now that we have a little power they want to used the same fucked up system to insert themselves into places where they are not needed or welcomed.

Let us be clear. Blaqsbi is dedicated to black people. If you are white, you can join, you can engage the platform like anyone else which is far more than white people gave our fathers and mothers in the past. But you MUST be black to qualify for a Blaqard membership!

We are unapologetically black!
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2019-03-23 01:24:14

Medgar Parks

Medgar Parks @medgarparks   

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