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Ben Carson is flip-flopping on his diabolical plans to destroy low-income communities in his role as secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Originally, he submitted a proposal to triple the rents for people in subsidized housing, but on June 11, Carson said raising rents was no longer necessary because “the budget has been changed, the necessity for doing that is not urgent.” As we reported last week, he says he will raise the rents again —  and this time the increase is even higher. Back in April, the heartless plan would have raised the minimum rent for some of the country’s poorest from $50 per month to $150. In Carson’s wacky mind, this would “inspire” people to get off public assistance. Many activists were outraged by the proposal, including Diane Yentel, the president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition, who told The Washington Post in April that the potential rent increase was “cruel hypocrisy” and “[when] we are in the middle of a housing crisis that’s having the most negative impact on the lowest-income people, we shouldn’t even be considering proposals to increase their rent burdens.”


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