It's well known. It's a well known issue that African - Americans recognize America. So - called don't know their history, that they're cut off from the history of Africa, and even the history of everything that they did and everything that was done to them in America. That's what you have. Black History Month, right ? So this is something that everyone knows about. Everyone is aware of this issue. But the truth is, the so - called white people don't know their history either their history in America or the history in Europe. Americans, Generally, Americans generally don't know history, which is incredibly useful when you consider the fact that history repeats itself is incredibly huge. Able to keep the entire population in a state of amnesia so that the whole country operates like, Ah, the. The. The main character in the film Memento, you know. So you keep doing the same things that you've always done and you and you never understand that you're actually doing the things that history has already judged to be crimes. You understand, You can do it as if there's no context, as if there's no history, as if there's no pattern. That's the whole point of approaching current events from an a historical perspective. You don't want anyone to see the pattern. You want to be able to do things that have already been condemned by history, which you want to keep doing them anyway, as if you don't know that they're contemptible. You don't know that they are condemned actions just like, Ah, Donald Trump, Now invoking the Alien Enemies Act in reference to mass deportations and so on. Okay, this is the same act that put tens of thousands of Japanese Americans into internment camps in World War Two and for which the United States government eventually had to provide compensation and eventually had to even apologize for doing it. You see, it is something completely contemptible that you did. But you want to repeat it so you forget your history. Did you forget history so you can repeat history without blame ? Both so - called white people and so - called black people in America don't know their history. Both have been told lies about the past, about their respective pasts, and the only reason for that is for the purpose of maintaining the continuity eighty of the contemptible reality of how that society operates. Amnesia and fictional histories serve as a preventative measure against change against reform. I guess rehabilitation. America chooses to live like it's it's in the movie Groundhog Day. You know, you pretend that only today exists over and over and over again. And because of this forced amnesia, because of this deliberate suppression of historical awareness the people in America don't even recognize when they're reliving their own past. They think that they're facing something new. They think that they're responding to some unprecedented crisis. This every time, if you have no recollection where the road leads that you're on, you've been, you'll keep walking it again and again, never realising that it has already led you into disaster after disaster dozens of times before. And this is exactly the condition that the rulers in America want. But the elite of America weren't not just black people, not just the so - called white people, but for everyone. Because the most effective way to ensure that a crime continues is to make sure that it is never recognized as a crime. To make sure that every time you commit that crime, it feels like the first time you know. So when Trump talks about invoking the Alien enemies act, most Americans don't hear the echoes of history from that. They don't hear the voices of the Japanese Americans who were dragged from their homes and put behind barbed wire for years and years. They don't remember that that country had to apologize for doing exactly what they're about to do Again. The American mind resets every morning. And that's the perfect condition for those in power. Because if people really understood history. Then they would recognize that nothing about the American system is accidental, No every aspect of it, from it's racial hierarchies to it's economic disparities through it's ah, unjust foreign policies is simply the continuation of an old script, A script that has played out again and again, always leading to oppression, always leading to exploitation, always leading to war, all always leading to misery. And this is why in America history isn't taught. Fiction is taught. Legends are taught. Myths are taught, but not history. Because real history would be dangerous. Real history would break the illusion and potentially break the cycle. So - called white people in America know a version of history. They know a story. They know a narrative that has been carefully crafted to shape how they see themselves, how they see their ancestors, how they see their nations and their place in the world, and how they see everyone else. And this ignorance is deliberate medication that they have imposed upon their own people allows the same crimes to continue. What most white people in America and Europe believe about their history is not history at all. It's mythology designed to produce a specific kind of person. A person who does not feel guilty. A person who does not feel accountable. A person who does not feel responsible for ever changing anything because they don't think they're doing anything wrong. They're taught that their ancestors, ers, were pioneers, Their ancestors were explorers, And as a civilization that they've brought progress and democracy and enlightenment to the world. May hear about the renaissance. They hear about the industrial revolution. They hear about the age of discovery and so forth, and so on. And not about enslavement. Not about genocide, not about the theft, not about the destruction that their people are responsible for. They're not taught that their prosperity was built on unimaginable suffering. They're not taught that the systems of government, their financial empires, their very sense of national identity are all rooted in exploitation. They don't know about the crimes. They don't know the real legacy of their people. And so they don't change. They don't have to change because they don't even realize what they need to correct. You know, when we look at colonialism, for example, the history that's taught in Western schools is usually an abstraction. Colonization is framed as something that just sort of happened a long time ago. You know, some thing that was maybe unfortunate, but it was inevitable, and ultimately was It represented progress And there were many beneficial things to come from it. Never mind the millions of Africans who died in the Congo in the Congo Free State under King Leopold. Most white Americans have never heard of them. Never mind the Bengal famine of nineteen forty three when millions of Indians starved to death due to British policies. Don't even know about it. The fact that the American police forces evolved from slave patrols. They don't know about that either. And then a more informed about the ongoing crimes like the pillage of African resources today, the economic neo - colonialism that keeps entire regions of the world impoverished, the exploitation of labor in the global south. These aren't relics of history. See, That's the present day reality of what your people are doing. But the story that the white people are told does not include those realities. So where else in packages those realities deceitfully and dishonesty, they. They package them dishonest and deceitful in the past, just like they do now. The irony is that when they're confronted with the truth. Ah, many of these people will react defoe pensively. You know, I didn't do that that. That was in the past. Why should I feel guilty ? But this reaction in and of itself reveals how little they're really understanding. It's not about guilt. It's about responsibility. You know, if a person inherits a stolen house, they may not have stolen it themselves, but they still live in it. And if they refuse to acknowledge where that house came from, or how it came into their position if they insisted that house is right for the. Theirs because the crime happened a long time ago within their complicit. Because the theft is ongoing, the crime never really stopped. So when people don't know their history, they cannot recognize when history is repeating itself and when history is actually just a continuum into the present. This is why so - called white people in America can watch their government arm and support genocide in Gaza, bombed, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and so on, and actually believe when they. I say it's. It's for this purpose of security. They don't see the colonial mindset at work. That's why they can see corporations, for example, Western corporations, strip mine Africa for resources and not connect that to the centuries of plunder that came before. This is why they can hear about mass incarceration, about police brutality and systemic racism in the United States and not understand that These are not new problems. These are just new forms of an old system. These are all these new manifestations of the same system. And this is why they don't resist. Why they don't challenge the structures that continue to explore it and continue to oppress, because they don't even recognize those systems as continuations of the age old exploitation and and oppression. But truth is white people have been colonized to, not physically, not economically, but psychologically. They've been conditioned to believe in a history that never happened, a history where they were always the heroes, a history where they would never the villains, and where their victims were villains. And as long as they live inside that fiction will though, continue to perpetuate the same crimes of their past, even without realising it was just means that we're not even talking about past crimes. We're talking about ongoing crimes from the past until today. Like I said, it's a continuum. If there's ever going to be any real change is ever going to be hope for justice than so - called white people have to actually learn your history. Not the history that makes you feel proud and makes you feel good, It makes you feel, but real history. The history that makes you uncomfortable. The history that you've denied all this time, and only when white people know their real history really know it, then maybe they can begin to take the first steps towards repairing the damage that that history cause, the damage that it caused to millions upon millions of people all around the world, including themselves. I mean Americans, particularly so - called white Americans. You're all like, ah, the child of the BTK killer, trying to come to terms with the fact that you were ray raised by a monster who you always thought was a good and upright man. If Americans in general really understood their history well, they would know that the United States government has only ever used fear as a weapon against them. And every war that America has ever been involved in was only justified by lies. And every act of domestic repression has only ever been framed as being necessary for the sake of security. They would know that the anti - immigration movements, the anti Muslim ban and so forth, and all of the surveillance programs. It's not new, It's the same thing. It's just rebranded versions of old crimes is absolute continuity. And the only reason that you don't know that is because you have no, no actual understanding of your own history. Yes, if Americans truly understood their history, they would not be so easily manipulated. They would not be so easily controlled. They would not be so quick to repeat the wrongs of the past, or rather to continue the wrongs of the past. But that's exactly why history is hidden from them. I mean, it's trite, but true, There is nothing more powerful than knowledge. There's nothing more dangerous to a corrupt system than a population that remembers. And that's why. Ah, our mission must be to educate people into awakened people, to reconnect people with the real reality of their own history, the good and the bad. Because when you understand your history, then you'll understand your enemy because they've been doing the same thing throughout history. And when you understand your enemy video, understand how to defeat them. You understand how to oppose them Because you've got an enemy who keeps you in a state of amnesia and a state of fake implanted memories. You know every time you open your eyes your enemy is right there in front of you telling you that he's your friend. And because you don't remember anything, you believe him. You understand. The whole country is getting their drinks spiked. Everyone in that country is getting roughead. And the one who spikes your drink. And the one who abuses you when you're in your gnome, an unconscious state is the one sitting next to you in the morning when you come to holding your hat hand, your protector. Oh, it's insidious. Uncle Sam is a serial killer. The son of Sam's got nothing on Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam is the most prolific, psychopathic, diabolical, demonic mass murderer in history. I mean, look at that poster again. That Uncle Sam poster that I want you poster. Think about that. You would think that a character who supposed to represent the great democratic America would actually be asking the people What do you want, not demanding I want you to go off into the meat grinder of World War One and World War Two. Over half a million American soldiers killed in Europe and. And in Asia, thousands of miles from the United States. And then basically some twenty something years later, the same message is repeated and is heralded as a great quote and is heralded as a great statement from John F. Kennedy. Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. Why, that's not how this works. Talk about gaslighting. Imagine, Imagine if someone said that in a relationship, you know, I need you to do this and that and the other. And don't even ask me about what you need me to do for you know, your government, your power structure hates you. But what's been hating you ? They don't even respect you. And like I said, a major reason for that is that they have perfected the process of completely wiping out your memory. But the power structure has a memory to understand. That's what's really meant by history repeating itself. People think that this is some some sort of natural law. No, it's not natural law. It's just the unchanged, consistent behavior of a predatory power structure. It's the law of. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Meaning they've been doing the same thing for a very long time. And the system works for them. So they have no reason to change it. And they never will change it until you change. And that's why they want to make sure that you never know what's going on. They want to make sure that you never know what's been going on and why they keep you basically like a crackhead. I'm serious. Just like a crack head. The American population, you know, is like a crackhead. XSLT. Extreme desperation for short - term gratification, complete memory blackouts, no recall of past consequences of their actions. You know, mood swings, volatile, erratic, can't cope with reality and you'll sell your dignity just to get some relief. That's why they don't respect you the same way that a drug dealer. It doesn't respect to crack head because they can treat you any kind of way and you'll accept it. You'll accept it as long as you can get a hit of propaganda, hit of entertainment ahead of distraction. Or what have you anything to just help you forget the reality that you live in. But it was fun. It was Allah said that the condition of a people will not change until they move to change themselves. And that's why they've neutralized you because otherwise history might not repeat itself because they're the ones we're making history repeat itself, like just continuing to do what they've always done. You understand what I'm saying to ? This isn't cyclical. It's constant, uninterrupted. The oppression, the violence, the exploitation, the predation. This is a static, unchanging. You know, you say history repeats itself when it makes it sound like you're talking about a cycle. But it's not a cycle. It's not even a loop. It's a straight line. And it has never swerved, not even once. It's one scene. It's the same scene, year after year, decade after decade. And all they ever do is maybe change the lighting to make it look different, to make it look new. But nothing has changed. But you will know that as long as you have no memory, as long as you have no actual memory, none of the implanted fate memories of the past that they put in your mind, but a real memory, a real knowledge of history, you'll actually think that you're looking at something new because you don't remember. You don't remember. There's always been this way. And that's why they want you to be so desperate to forget. You know it's like they say the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. So the best way to be able to continue negative and destructive behavior into the future is to try to falsify your history. I mean, most people don't even care about history in America. That's a fact. They're already just ignorant. But the ones who do have, ah, an interest in history, they're fit. Ah, a fictitious history today. Even worse than someone who's just ignorant. Even worse than someone who knows nothing. Because it's actually better to just know nothing than to believe something false. The one who doesn't know anything can at least learn. There are these empty and. And information can be put in that emptiness where someone who already believes something false thinks he already has the knowledge, thinks he already has the information, and that makes him immune to learning. Then, of course, there's also the fact that the history is so horrific. The history is so brutal that there's already a built in incentive to deny or to dismiss it, because it can be absolutely soul crushing to try to come to terms with. Like I said, it's like finding out that your parent is the BTK killer. How do you process that ? Most people would just reflexively deny horrible realities because they've already built their whole life around the assumption that the reality that they live in is not horrible. You've been drinking blood your whole life thinking it's cherry. Coolie. You know, the torch of the Statue of Liberty isn't a guiding light. It's an arsonist weapon. That's what burned down villages in Vietnam. That's what set fire to get up and to have genistein. And that's what lit burning crosses all over America. You've been living in an alternative universe, so - called white Americans, like Manchurian candidates, committing or being accomplished to heinous crimes decade after decade after decade, insulated by the hypnotic state of the false version of history that they believe. That's why I've said so repeatedly. Your so - called civilization has betrayed you. Your so - called civilization has duped you. They got you to sign off on policies, but they told you where for the protection of liberty and justice were actually policies for mass murder, crimes against humanity, war crimes, savagery and enslavement, all for the profit of others, others who view you as nothing but useful idiots. And now your incriminated now your accomplices. Now you're taking the fall. But you've got no one to blame but yourselves. But you know what the biggest fraud is. You know what the biggest control strategy is That they use. It's not entertainment. It's not drugs. It's not mass distraction. It's not pornography. It's not even there falsifications of history. The biggest strategy that they use to keep you weak and to keep you neutralize is teaching you to hate Islam. I mean, of course, this is couched in the general atheistic secular programming that they impose less than in America to make you dismissive about religion overall. But their main tool, their main concern, Their main focus is to keep you away from Islam and Islam away from you. They teach you that all religions are the same. All religions are nothing but control mechanisms. All religions are man - made. All religions are oppressive. And what have you ? You know, they poison your whole concept of religion. Ah, so that you just have a default animosity and a default aversion to Islam and you can't see what they're doing to you. You can't see that this very calculated, very coordinated, and very relentless anti religious propaganda in film elms, in television, in academia, in popular discourse. You can't see how all of that is being done very deliberately and in an orchestrated manner. And you can't see that this in and of itself, This is a strategy of control mechanism of control. And then the absolutely disciplined, the absolutely systematic and forceful demonization of Islam across all sections of the media. You think that telling you the truth. Do you think that they're doing that to help you not to make sure that you never will get any help and not and not to make sure that you will never have yourself. This is why they are doing. All they ever do is lie to you. But somehow, for some reason, in the case of Islam, what you think they're being honest with you, You know, they push this idea on their people on the on the building. The atheism is the most rational and the most realistic, the most reasonable or scientific, the most logical and the most intellectual position that anyone can take. They push that narrative and they pushed it hard to where people are embarrassed to admit that their religious, whatever religion it is, doesn't matter when the truth is that atheists are the most objectively ludicrous people on the face of the earth. But no one wants to say. No one wants to point out this obvious reality because it goes against the official narrative, because it gives the official narrative of what smart means. No, this is all being pushed on you just to keep you foolish is being pushed on you to keep you neutralize. Just like everything else that they popularize. I mean, think about it. It's only believe in what they can see or hear or touch. Natural measure by. Human senses are weak. We just see a fraction of the light spectrum. We hear only a small range of sound. We can't detect most of what's. Ah, what exists around us. Your so - called empiricism is absurd. The ocean covers seventy percent of the earth, But eighty eighty percent of it's life is undiscovered. You know, eighty five percent of the universe, they say, is dark matter. Scientists know it's there, but they can't see it. So how can any atheists claim certainty about what exists and what doesn't exist ? Just like asking Stevie Wonder, If you're wearing a nice color scheme, I know. Really tell you that you don't have to believe in God in order to be a moral person. Oh, to be a good person and so on. But you need to go home And don't you ? You need the government to tell you, don't you ? They'll tell you that all religions are man - made. But by the way, you better follow all of these man - made laws that we just wrote down. We will put you in jail. Okay, You can be more without religion. Whereas the proof. The twentieth century was the most atheistic century in human history. And it was also the most viciously violent and inhumane and immoral century in history. Yeah, okay, you can still walk when it's pitch dark, but you can watch a whole lot better in the daylight. You want a lot better, and you can walk a lot more safely. Honestly, they're making fools of you. And like I say, it's glaringly obvious what religion is the one religion that they most want you to stay away from. And it's not Christianity. And it's not Judaism is not Buddhism is not Hinduism is not New Age spiritualism. Know, the most vilified, the most reviled, the most landed and the most systematically relentlessly demonized religion is Islam, slandered and demonized by the power structure that is absolutely committed to keeping you in the dark about everything about your history and about your prison. But I couldn't be more obvious. You know, This is where a lot of people here. Whoa. They hit a world in their ability to reason when it comes to snap. Those people that like to leave it there successfully extricated themselves from the indoctrination and the programming right up until you start talking about Islam. Then the indoctrination and the programming kicked in with the fury. You know, there's people who will say yes to government lies. Yes, they laid about history. Yes, it's miseducation. Yes, they lie about this, may lie about that. And all the popular narratives and all the discourse are just controlled. Except that arise that you taught me that I still believe in when it comes to religion. When it comes to Islam. It's uncanny. You know, You can't actually find that rare American, that rare Westerner who can have a conversation where they express thoughts that actually harvested in their own minds. It's rare, but it can happen. But they're not just regurgitate. I'm talking points and pre - packaged arguments that were spoon fed to them by the media. You can do that right up until you start to talk about Islam. And then suddenly you'll find that you're talking to a robot. Suddenly they just reciting from a script. You know, this programming goes deeper than anything else. And it's glaring. And that shows you that the single most important priority for American control and domination and neutralization of the population is to keep them away from Islam. Which should tell you if you are thinking person, If you're an intelligent person, that should tell you that they know that Islam is the single most important key to your liberation. You can reject what I'm saying. That's fine. That's up to you. But just know that this is you. One thing for you yourself the same thing that the power structure wants for you. And they have never wanted anything for you except for subjugation, marginalization, and neutralization. So you can keep drinking that cherry Kool - aid if you want. But just don't forget what it really is. So, yeah, my knees inspire blacks. B.