Yes black americans aren't the blueprint of black people money get it together i'm so tired of videos like that and i'm also tired of your responses because i feel like they just just doesn't move far away than we already are sophia african-americans we are thankful for the music that you bring football to the world we are thankful for the dances for the culture yes you have your own culture i'm not people trying to take it away
way from you you have your own culture but a lingual so things like that it's a lot of joy but you are not the blueprint for the rest of the world all of us have our own culture we have music we have our own trends we will own dancers we have all owned the multiples just have one in one public to listen so we still like to look at your bubble and enjoy it and my getting everybody's butt out
our inspiration comes from buoyant one bubble and insee of always focusing on the differences on the different outcomes and where we based it is one thing that we all have in common and that's the sort of pain if we talk about all that and we talk about the genocide and that maybe if we talk about the genocide in congo the extreme
insane level of racism and southerner is south africa the whitening of the whole south american continent the history of slavery and so many parts of everything countries but also obviously in the us and south america of the strategic this was so hard for me to pronounce this just tragic weakening of
afro american families there is so much pain to it and i feel like we should use our time and understanding each other's pain there's so many good documentaries about our countries our histories on youtube and we don't take the time to actually understand egypt's pain because i feel like when we understand each other's pain better and
nothing like all yeah but they separate list for the editor also our brothers and sisters like an africa saying like aw yeah but african americans have it easy we all have all struggles and we all come from our own struggles of pain and i do feel that we should respect them and we should see them looking into each other's struggles to understand how str
wrong olive joy is because there's one thing you could never take from black people and thus the joy it brings to the world is the joy no matter how that story has no matter hope that the situations you see them giving life to the world so i'm so tired of people focusing on like who's better who's not because that's called naval mine
headset that is like what they use to kill your grand grandfather and to read your grand grandmothers because they felt like that better and we adjusting to that bullshit instead of that understanding that there's one thing that that unifies all of us and that's like the pureness of our joy and appearance it's all hard and
the strip that we hope is each other and i'm so tired of the issue and we finally this beautiful time where we feel like can we winning we're getting seen for the strength and the beauty that we hold so let's don't focus on shit that divides us there's no point of it this is such a beautiful time let's get it together and let's use
this time fully an uplifting each other like let's use our time to understand shopping so we can build each other that nonsense dividing shit is no serving none of us and we shouldn't open up can do so much more beautiful things with our energy
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