
Throwback post. 2020-04-07 04:51:24.

Pushing Black News on Instagram1: “. .

A Black man imprisoned in one of America’s neo-slavery camps, i.e. prisons or jails, recorded a video documenting the way callous officials and power holders are letting people die. Any incarcerated person right now is very likely going to end up being sentenced to death. The man is incarcerated in Elkton Federal Correction Institute in Lisbon, Ohio. He explained that three people he knows already died from the coronavirus, including Woodrow Taylor who was about to be released. He could have been let out early, but wicked people chose not to, and now he’s dead. The man showed his two cell mates who are sick and coughing. One was having obvious difficulty breathing. The man himself has experienced some symptoms including loss of taste but has most recently tested negative for the #coronavirus. In the middle of the basketball court, they have set up a tent where they are taking dead bodies. He described how a nurse named Libby told him to be prepared cuz she thought half the people in the unit would die. He only has 1 year left in his sentence, but now he might not make it. The Care Act allows him to be put in home-confinement, but those in charge are unwilling to do so. The warden could let him out on Compassionate Release, but he is also unwilling to act to save lives.

This is a stark example of the oppressive nature of the U.S. By the U.S.’ concept of justice, all these leaders who could have intervened should be jailed for life or given the death penalty.


Al Lindsay

Al Lindsay @RamessesIII  

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