Blaqsbi Home Huddle

Blaqsbi Home Huddle

I'm not too sure why they don't teach us this in school but the first evidence of basic and advanced maths were found in africa researchers discovered two ancient baboon fibula bones one and eswatini formerly known as swaziland and the other between uganda and the democratic republic of congo the ebon bone dates back to thirty five thousand bc and is the oldest known mathematical instrument used for counting and measuring it was found in eswatini is la bomba mountain range then there's the shallow burn found in eastern central africa and it's believed to date back to twenty thousand bc the shallow burn shows the first recorded attempts ps of grouping adding and subtracting prime numbers proof that early humans on the continent were progressing before some other people came over and decided to convince us that we weren't so ya modern mathematics has roots and africa deep ones at that let's share the story and change the narrative showy share believe inspire blacks be

Jayden @jayden   

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