and who do they belong to they belong to the museums where they are now where do africa's traditions belong now imagine this headline definitely imagine if it said
where do germany's treasures belong but if they were stolen no no they were not stolen it was rooting yes but they were looking for was legal i don't get this distinction but yes looting and stealing know it looked it was external if you want but in the nineteenth century in the eighteenth century in seventeenth century during
all the world's art was stolen so we must give back everything or nothing the courage to see we were wrong
the courage to see about art acquired illicitly this is not eyes and more of this this works of art when they were taken if they were not taken they would have disappeared because much many of artifacts african us are made of food and what does it was meant to be kit kat you know
oh so it would have disappeared it's become it became ah they became works of art in museums because europeans said it seems it's out this position is put in the logistic arrogance of the most stunning sort which is also lacking in basic logic since when
has the basis of ownership been taking good care of what his owned much of what we call african art are also documents that tell stories that these are objects that have religious spiritual sacred and if you want to come back on this
why don't you come back here nineteenth century seventeenth century sixteenth century you cannot stop you don't know where to stop obviously i don't think everything should be sent back to the countries from which they came not everything was stolen
those things that are sacred those things for whom people were killed those things that having them the stains of innocent blood should be returned you know how do we get african kids to see their own artists you can do this you know in french prisms and ah africa to organize exhibitions yes it's okay to
to send them to africa but they must return to the french museums where they belong it's europe has defined itself as a place of certain values progress liberty fraternity tolerance individual rights and most of all the rule of law a nation that believes in the rule of law cannot
possibly be debating whether to return stolen goods it just returns them that europe
should be what it claims to be
live up to the ideals with which you define yourself
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