Racism is a broad scope, right ? Because you can be racist towards Latina, You could be racist. So there's a black person, You could be racist towards middle eastern person. So we're going to speak on anti blackness. A lot of black people think that they hate anti blackness. But I'm not too sure what did you do ? Because a lot of us feel comfortable participating in a system. So we think because we can eq knowledge that it exists. That's all that's necessary. But reality is states that a lot of was reviewed to deconstruct the inherent Nancy blackness that a lot of us have. Because it's a system that we all grew up in. And then that guys, our choices. And while we think that we're using common sense rationale, we're only honestly using white logic. And actually this problematic as fuck because it's an entire system as we know rights and disenfranchise black people. So I must be going get rid of all the white people. We technically don't have really the power to dismantle that system because we were. It will require white people to dismantle the debt system, which I'm not going to do because they are incentivized to be anti black. But what we can do is stop participate, painting initiate and that is a lot of power once we stopped participating in it. And that's why I say all problematics. Well, because that alone, not participating in acknowledging your inherited Nancy blackness deconstructing a. And then not participating in in your everyday regular lives is like an act of rebellion a lot of you are not prepared to do. For example, a lot of you grow up in the hood believing that the best opportunity to make it out of the hood is to be some type of musical artist and athlete that is anti blackness swac. Why people will make you believe that your athletic abilities and d - ore stereotyping yourself to be a degenerate. What to look like a degenerate for the music industry, which is naturally the basis of your hip hop. The basis of your music and your culture is the only way for you to be successful because you're not smart enough to believe that. That's. Oh so a lot of you grew up acting as if you can't participate to the client. Participates in your education. You can't commit to it because it's just not going to get you far, says who says them ? Okay, saying, when my ladies wigs and weaves. Now wigs and weaves are technically a part of our culture in a certain type of way, but it becomes a problem when we use it for the ones that use it as an everyday tool because we believe that our hair is too difficult. You're here is not difficult. You're here is different. And if you were sitting there trying to get your head to behave than the likes of other people, you would not have a problem maintaining and sustaining your beautiful hair. So like I say, versatility is one thing. Ah, expressing yourself an artwork, the amazing styles that we have done with it, we've cultivated, we cure ready, we made it popular stuff like that that is great tracks and all this other stuff that is a part of our culture is nothing wrong at that. That is a form of expression. But you yourself, black women are the exotic menace that they tried to pass onset other people. You are the only one black woman that has the level of different hair and features and complexity of skin tones. Because you technically are the exotic. When you were never made to fit in. And when you sit there and try to perpetuate every single day life. If with it on because you want your hair so assimilates something that is not supposed to be. Or you want to assimilate to a look that's not supposed to be because you think that it is more kept. Or you want to be soft and you think that's the better look to go. That is where it's problematic. That is your anti blackness. Your look is not problematic, Your hair is not problematic. Everything is different because you are exotic. For those of us that think that when we get some money and we're gonna move about it. Hood, and we're gonna put ourselves and our children and predominantly Caucasian spaces, Why would you do that ? Because they made you think to Hollywood depiction that the hood entirely is nothing but an episode or, um, what, What would you say ? A shot out of, you know, menace to society boys and. Hood. A lot of us grew up in the hood and never lived in a project today and allows. A lot of us grew up in predominantly black neighborhoods, middle - class people and we just made better choices. Industry because we did not want to end down a certain path. There are people in all likes of communities. They are going to make poor decisions and choices. But you think that the Caucasian community is better for your children because some reporter systems that they use are not entitled to carrying a pistol on their hip. But they make poor decisions that allow themselves everything today because they have an allegiance to drugs and alcohol. And a funny thing is that in their Hollywood pictures of their communities they tell us that the girls are getting essays and grape the. The kids are having foreign parties, but all types of pills. Opioid crisis is still an existence. Fentanyl is now running through their communities like nothing because they are leasing situations that children hooked on alcoholic beverages from the town ur the ages of junior high school. They're getting do you as driving underlying each other, drowning and stuff like that because of the such. Being under alcohol influence, they have lack of supervision and they're always stressed out because they're actually not that smart yet. You'd think that putting your chat and predominantly white schools is going to give them a better education. How do we not have the same white educators and Arnie has. Unfortunately, because they are predominantly most educators in the entire country that they do. And there's what's the difference now they may have more resources because the funding. Mongolia. So you have more access to amenities. And I got that from Grits and Eggs podcast episode fifty four, I believe. Well, he's absolutely correct, which made me think about this. But that doesn't mean that your child is benefiting in any type of. What you are putting your choice calls to a mental torture and even possibly a physical torture. Because you are teaching your child that it is okay to be isolated and ah, in and viciously attacked consistently. And and if they want to stop the vicious attack is to accept that our children are physically harm when they think that they are friends with these people they come up missing. You should get hooked into an area in life that is unnecessary. But you think that you're doing the best thing for your doing. But you made it at home. So what was the difference ? I grew up in El Barrio, Harlem, New York. I got a book of my neighborhood. I never live in a project with them Today, my life. I live in a gated community. A gated condominium buildings that went from one block to another block from one avenue, so another avenue surrounded by gate. They needed to pass code and a key that had a park, a community room and a garage and laundry rooms. Attachments in the communities in that Soviet black community was a problem. Tenement buildings, project buildings wasn't the only one. But yes, there was a scarcity mindset because the hood is constructed in and making us impoverished down here. But that doesn't mean majority of us are choosing making a choice to live a life of crime. So it's just like, what makes you think that you say. Oh, I have a lot of money. That's why I had to move out of the hood because I put myself at risk of being a target. Rich people targeted everything today. First of all, a lot of you are not in the one percent. So you move into those summers anyway, and you're not still living at life. But really what it is is that you know that when people see that if you live in these certain neighborhoods and you can afford these certain areas, that means your status, That means you're somebody important. That means you're still looking for white validation. Why does it matter ? We got one percent honors, athletes, celebrities, well - known names, places that robbed every single day. And they are miles and miles away from civilization. How's that happened ? They, too are unlocking key gated and guarded communities. And you think that you don't have the ability to get attacked, assaulted, or robbed or stuff like that in those communities as well. Make it make sense. You think they should te teaching a Chow how to real - world world is going to work. And if she's never put around in those spaces, or he or she's never put in those spaces with some Caucasian people that they're not. No, they're not going to know how to operate. They're not going to know the proper mannerisms, how to deal with them. But since when ? Again, that's anti black. Because what makes you think that you're not learning proper mannerisms in the communities that you grew up in ? What makes You think that we don't have any run - ins and we don't realize how to work with them because if we're not dealing with them as our educators, they were not communities as law enforcement. There are jobs and our voices and we teach our children based off of what we know because we have to survive. So what makes you think it is necessary to commit your child to that level of mental instability ? In torture, in in, in, in isolation, in discrimination and target practice on them. It makes no sense, but we refuse to deconstruct our anti inherited Nancy blackness every single day. And you think that you have a problem when it would. Actually, you're very own vulnerable operating any share believe inspire blacks be.