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Blaqsbi Home Huddle

A lot of Africans need to descend from white validation or white or foreign validation because my goodness, my goodness. You guys. You guys give foreign folks a lot of credits. I don't know. I don't know how I can help you guys with this thing now. Maybe maybe there isn't a way I don't. I don't put anybody on a pedestal is because my mum. She's a retired diplomats. I grew up surrounded by people from different communities and I got to see from the beginning that you're not that special. You're not all that. You're really. You're really not that special. The only thing you have above me is just infrastructure. That's pretty much the only thing other groups have over us. Africans right now is just they have the. Lucky enough to have leaders that actually give a damn about them. That's all. Was Africa sorts out its leadership crisis. We're good. But until we don't do that, we're always gonna be. They're going to be where we are today. But I sure. Like a lot of a lot of South Africans. We give we. I don't know. I don't know. I don't. I don't know. I think it's. It's quite. It's multifaceted Anyway, bobby. We. We easily give people, especially, you know, whitey folks, so much credit. It's it's. It's truly troubling if I'm being honest, like giving people so much credit for existing. And it's. You know, I don't understand. I mean, like people are losing their minds over Jamie Carragher. Jamie Carragher has, like the most mediocre footballer ever. But because he's a white guy, Africans are losing your mind. And because it says I've gone, I've gone is not a. He's not a top tournament. A lot of Africans need to descend from White validation. A lot of Africans did to the Center for Whites validation, Foreign validation. Stop giving people so much credit, My God, most of you, that I am putting these people above. Yeah, you're probably better than them, if not even like, I love white folks. I love everybody. But I'm not putting you above me. Dude. Are you crazy ? You know how hard I work ? You know, smart I am. You know how sexy I mean, how attractive I am. Yeah, you know how you know how driven I am. Why the fuck would I put you above me when you have not even proven yourself to be better than me ? But I should. Actually, Asadullah, you're better than me because strictly of your own Command, Come on, that's not dumb. I work with a lot of Africans issuers don't know what you're for me. I get your biz and respect and that's it. I'm not going to give you on earned credit What a lot of Africans in my opinion are still stuck on this on this on this mindset. So anything a foreigner says about Africa, we take it to heart. I will we get we lose our mind. The react can you see from afcon right now is coming from a place of low self - esteem from a lot of Africans. Or this rage is because you thought you thought you were. You thought she's going to see you as an equal. But now because he's aired his thoughts of what he really thinks about you, which you shouldn't care anyway, Because what the fuck. Izzy, Two billion Africans love the afcon. Why does this one white guy's opinion make you so angry, young sir ? Because deep down you're coming from the place of low self - esteem. And I'll make a debuff video. And just because we need to talk about it, God dammit, share, believe, inspire blacks be.

Jayden @jayden   

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