Blaqsbi Home Huddle

Blaqsbi Home Huddle

so what's up with this black american supremacy that we think we have over our fellow africans in africa i see a lot of fba i see a lot of hot blue feather individuals claimed it we got it like that over here we brag like we got so much power over here but do we this might hurt a lot of villains but africans have more control over their destiny than black americans do first let's breakdown these numbers there is about forty two million african-americans live in an america meanwhile in africa there was one point four billion black africans we are a minority in the dominantly wacky system over here we don't control congress courts ought to goddamn economy over here our power is only limited to what the system allows voting that's it they ain't no fucking independence that's participation meanwhile african nations are sovereign meaning they have their own borders governments and constitutions see they can negotiate treaties to decide their future although africans might face issues like corruption and foreign influence they still have control over their governments at the end of the day they have the potential to fix their problems meanwhile we're still fighting systemic racism we still fighting mass incarceration and police brutality despite their struggles africans still have the power to change their destiny celebrity beats citizenship every fucking time share believe inspire blacks be

Jayden @jayden   

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