Blaqsbi Home Huddle

Blaqsbi Home Huddle

so i have a message to my african brothers and sisters as well as my foundation and black americans here are just black americans or indigenous whatever you choose to call yourself being offended about anyone not knowing your history is upsetting and this is why it is upsetting and this goes for both africans talking to black americans black americans talking to africans okay those both ways you can read books you can go online you can take tours you can actually go to the country itself tried to learn from the people and you will still be told that the books are alive even if they're bought in africa that online cannot be trusted and that that using the tours and going to speak to the people is hearsay you could do on it and it's not enough it's still wrong so what does that leave you with if someone is actually trying to learn actually taken time money and resources to go and learn from the people themselves and it's still not enough what does that leave us on both sides then it just leaves us with intent that's all we have is my intent to learn to understand enough for you that's it is it enough for you is enough for you to want to join a community on both sides i am talking to is that enough for you to lessen your defenses if not what is it all for if africans aren't willing to learn black americans history black americans aren't willing to north african history and even when we do it's not enough it's not good enough what is the points they will forever be divided all we have is intent on the same note if we acknowledge that propaganda falls on both sides of the line so we have been a subject of propaganda over here you have been a subject of propaganda over there why don't we question the history that has been spoon fed to us this goes for both sides what purpose does spoon feeding us negative history serve i know you guys some history or you learned some things about black americans did not serve you well it does not serve anyone well we've learned some things about africans that was spoon fed us that does not serve us well if we acknowledge that prop xander exist why don't we deal with that and say huh i wonder why they want us to believe this about each other i wonder why they want us to be divided so then why not come with the spirit of humility and a willingness to unlearn and relearn i'm left at i'm lost honestly because nothing is good enough perfection is what we're going for everybody wants perfect and if that is the requirment than we are all lost and we will forever be lost why can't we see the similarities in each other instead of seeing the differences why do you want to be separated instead of being together what purpose does it serve other than for you to feel as if you are better than someone so black americans feel like they benefit africans africans feel like they're better than black americans and when did you learn that whole taught you that kind of behavior is that what you learned from the white man it doesn't serve us it is so easy to be offended why can't you look at the intent we have so much to learn from each other and yet we are so easy to be offended oh there's one thing wrong with this statement and there and you're going on a hothead trump instead of saying huh this is someone who was willing to try to learn who said you know what check me in the comments i say anything wrong you know what she went she researched she tried it's not good enough so what is what is share believe inspire black be

Jayden @jayden   

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