Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

Q & A Here is a list of important questions and answers to those questions for our migration to the new website. Q: Do I have to do anything to keep my account with MintBuilder? A: Yes, the old MintBuilder website will be taken down soon so it is imperative to setup your membership on the new MBbullion website to remain active with MintBuilder. You can setup your membership right now by going here https://bit.ly/3GzP8Dv After you select if you want your VIP membership to be monthly, annual or lifetime, you then click on "Subscription" and add your monthly asset to the cart and finish checking out. You can modify your monthly asset subscription at any point in the future. Q: How much time do I have to get my account setup on the new website? A: We are providing all members with plenty of time to get transitioned. We started over one month ago and will leave the old site open for another month or so. However, with that said, you only have until the end of this month to setup your membership and receive 50% off for LIFE! Q: What happens to my commissions from my account on the old website? A: We will transfer the commissions over to your new account once it is setup on the new website. Q: What happens to my Mint Wallet holdings after I setup my new account? A: We will also transfer your Mint Wallet holdings over to your new account once it is setup on the new website. Q: What if my sponsor is not moved over to the new website yet? A: You can ask them if they are planning on setting up their account before the 50% off promo ends, but it is imperative to setup your account as quickly as you can. We will connect you to your sponsor once they do enroll. Q: Should I contact the members I personally sponsored? A: Yes absolutely! Your team may not be receiving our emails for one reason or another, so you may be their only point of contact to ensure they do not miss out on a life time of 50% savings! Q: Is there a way I can learn more about this transition? A: You bet! You can watch a recording of our latest Zoom meeting here https://vimeo.com/1059860921 Q: I already setup my account on the new website, so why am I still receiving these emails? A: We are sending these emails out to our entire customer base to ensure everyone is fully informed of the mandatory action to remain active. If you and your personal team are already setup on the new website you can disregard these emails. Thank you for taking action! #rtyrwarriors #gold #silver
Kwame Binta

Kwame Binta @KwameBinta   

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