What Blaqsbi.com is NOT:
(1) A haven for scams or negativity: We have zero tolerance for scammers or those who seek to exploit our community. We actively work to ensure a safe and trustworthy environment.
(2) A platform for objectification: We value the dignity and respect of all members. Self-promotion that relies on the exploitation of bodies has no place here.
(3) A breeding ground for division: We reject narratives that undermine our ability to unite, love, and respect one another. We believe in the power of our collective strength.
(4) A space for superficiality: We go beyond mere entertainment. We encourage meaningful conversations, thoughtful reflections, and impactful actions.
What Blaqsbi.com WILL BE:
(1) A sanctuary for authentic expression: We celebrate the richness and diversity of Black culture and experiences. Share your stories, your art, your dreams, and your truths.
(2) A hub for empowerment and growth: We provide resources and opportunities for personal, professional, and economic advancement. Let's build a legacy of success together.
(3) A platform for unity and solidarity: We foster a sense of belonging and connection. Lift each other up, support each other's endeavors, and celebrate our collective achievements.
(4) A catalyst for positive change: We amplify voices advocating for justice, equality, and a better future for all. Let's use our platform to inspire action and create lasting impact.
Reclaiming Our Narrative
For far too long, the narrative of Black people has been defined by others. We were dehumanized, reduced to fractions, and denied our full humanity. Blaqsbi.com is a space to reclaim our narrative, to tell our own stories, and to define our own future.
Join us in building a digital homeland where Black excellence shines, Black voices resonate, and Black futures thrive.
Blaqsbi.com is a special place for you, me and we!!!!
Please share this with all members here as well as with your family, friends and other places on the internet. Blaqsbi is a networking platform designed specifically for us to share, believe, inspire.