Tyrone Thomas

Tyrone Thomas @tythomasjr   

This morning I called an elderly gentleman who I have developed a godfather relationship with. I asked him to record a story of an event in his life that he would like to share with black people that may have some value or simply be entertaining. I stressed that the story should be truthful, origional and not yet published anywhere as we are providing a space for these stories to be shared and preserved on the Blaqsbi.com platform for us and our future generations. He tried to convince me this was already being done by Universities in the Midwest where he lives and I could hear these stories on NPR. It was obvious to me that he was not understanding exactly what I asked, but he persisted to say what we are trying to do would not be important to anyone and it would not make any money. When I tried to explain that it was not about me personally making money he got upset and said thats an even bigger reason why people would not be interested. He also said the Collective Wealth and Economic Empowerment we are trying to bring about is not needed on this part of the world and then continued to go on an on about only looking out for myself and immediate family as well as reminding me that the poor and impoverished will always be with us and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Of course I disagreed with all of this and was so frustrated that I simply hung up the phone. I didnt feel good about doing that or level of my intolerance, but felt it was the best thing to do to avoid further conflict and saying some things that may hurt him. We as a people must get past thinking that anything of value or that people will be interested in has to be about money , or there is nothing we can do to eradicate poverty or help others live a better life. This conversation baffeled me coming from someone in that older age group. I'm now sitting here wondering just how deep and widespread is this screwed up thinking is within our elderly black population? Looks like I am starting this out with a story of my own and hope it either haas some value, inspires, makes someone think or serves as a story of entertainment. Blaqsbi is a networking platform designed specifically for us to share, believe, inspire.
Tyrone Thomas

Tyrone Thomas @tythomasjr   

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