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FINALLY There’s a call to ACTIONS & not EXCUSES for BLACK AMERICANS that on WEDNESDAY we DO NOT shop at ANY stores unless they are BLACKED OWNED! So if you need to go to the market or anywhere else, you can go on Tuesday and Thursday! There are no stores on WEDNESDAY, especially Target, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Amazon, etc. pass the word. We are TRYING to push this as a weekly initiative to hit them where it hurts! We will not be the LAST RACE that sticks together! We are not the race of excuses and keeping a blind eye to the world that's passing us by. They will continue to try to pass us by. We don't need a celebrity to start our initiatives. We need unity! We will soon make EVERY WEDNESDAY a BlackOut. For now, make your stand. Get your GAS today. Bypass those bodega's tomorrow and support BOB ( black owned business) and stand on it. No Chinese food, no pizza stores, nail salons, nothing, Black Owned Only!! Sorry Not Sorry!! Let's make them know that our dollars do matter!
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