Felix Osezua

Felix Osezua @Fexodine1  


The year 2020?

Within the first three months of the strange year 2020, hundreds of thousands viruses infections worldwide.
* Australia fire and over billions of animals perished.
* Dragon storm hits in Egypt and leaves 20 dead.
* Millions of locust are sweeping Yemen and East African countries.
* Heavy wilds are taking out trees in Israel, Jordan, Syria and lrag.
* Thousands of monkeys invaded the streets of Thailand in search of food.
* Thousands of Bats invaded Australia last week.
* And the mother of all viruses that doesn't see in the eye, the Titan of all viruses Covid19 spreading across the world like wind fire..
And there are still 9 more months left, we don't know what there ahead;
This is the time for all to turn to God, our hope is in the name of the Lord, the strong tower wherein the righteous are safe.
God please be merciful, have mercy on the world...

Felix Osezua

Felix Osezua @Fexodine1  

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